On New Years Eve Jessica Ammons brought her second son Charlie into the world. Jessica is one amazing Mom. Since Charlie’s birth she has had a very full life and has kept her budget balanced by finding good deals. Jessica then tells others about those bargains in her blog, Little Green House. For Jessica, being economical comes naturally. With a husband in graduate school, a 3 year old, and newborn she is able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle by budgeting her time and their household income wisely. We discovered more about Jess (as she is known to her friends) and her family through a conversation about our laundry detergent. Jess said that after 6 months of using our concentrated powder detergent for her heaviest loads she still has plenty left. Even in a household that does plenty of laundry, 108 loads in a small pouch results in big savings. Thanks so much for sharing with us Jess!